Composition of surfaces made by the massing of the lines
Casa Del Prado, Room 101, morning 10 am. Thursday, April 4th.
Theme: Composition of surfaces made by the massing of the lines, Text book 3-15 P42, 43 Materials: Provided by Sogetsu San Diego branch Fees: $10 for member, $15 for non-member Container: Bring own vase either Moribana, Nageire or contemporary vase, bring Kenza if needed. Bring tools such as wire, staple, tapes, e.t.c.
Bring foods to share with others. After workshop, will have a short meeting.
Please let us know either you will attend or not by March 24th since we provide materials. Hope to see you there. If you have any questions, please let me know it.
Mark your calendar for this year’s rest of workshop; 6/20, 8/8 and 10/17.